Advancing Circular Economy Strategies for Existing Buildings in Canada

North East England Construction Innovation Ecosystem
March 14, 2024
Measuring Up: Construction Industry Key Performance Indicators
November 15, 2023

This practical guide for industry is organized in line with circular economy strategies that can be applied by Canada’s commercial real estate sector, including concepts and practices such net zero design, design for flexible and adaptable use, durability, zero waste construction, innovative leasing, and deconstruction.

This project was delivered in collaboration with Circular Economy Leadership Canada (CELC) and a number of partners from industry and government. It was informed by research and consultation with a number of leading real estate owners, designers, and builders from across Canada and around the world, drawing from Scius's report "Opportunities to Apply Circular Strategies to Existing Office Buildings" published by CSA Group with respect to opportunities for applying circular strategies to existing buildings.

The guide presents current methods and examples (i.e., case studies) of these strategies and practices being applied within the Canadian and global commercial office market, highlighting actions that building owners, developers, property / asset managers, designers, and builders can implement. It also offers a selection of tools and resources to help get started, including important considerations when deciding whether to demolish and build new, or explore creative strategies that extend the life of existing buildings (and preserve their embodied carbon in the process).

The commercial real estate sector represents a large portion of buildings in Canada and is served by professional companies with well-established practices and well-understood market dynamics. While the changing nature of work brought about by demographic shifts, technology proliferation, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with environmental policy and investor priorities, makes this Guide particularly relevant to office buildings, many, if not all, of the circular strategies described are applicable to other building types.

The guide is available here.

Photo credit: Adrien Williams and the image of their net zero carbon office renovation has been kindly provided by Lemay.